Bridging Gaps, Building Understanding

about us

Proposaled Research Group was co-founded in 2014 by Amir Abou-El-Kheir and Paul MacLeod after having been awarded a grant, to research the language education policies in the State of Qatar, from the British Council. Since this time Amir and Paul have collaborated on numerous successful research and training projects. Together they share over 40 years of experience across five continents. 

What We Do

Education Policy and Strategic Planning

We support education institutions and organizations, at the school, city, provincial/state and national levels, make sound education policy decisions, by performing comprehensive needs’ analyses, using various research methodologies, and determined by document and stakeholder availability, as well as the contextual situation.

Grant and Proposal Writing

We provide research and academic writing services to individuals, companies, as well as not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations. We go through a systematic process starting from brainstorming ideas and formulation through to collection of data, write-up and submission of proposals. We have a rather impressive success rate for securing funding for a number of our clients, including having been successful with several of our own proposals.

Primary and Secondary Research

We conduct primary and secondary research using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods determined by the purpose of the study. Our results produce and deliver high quality, meticulous and objective research outputs, including analysis, report writing and presentations, for a range of audiences and clients. We also provide support to academics in their own research.

Institutional and Organizational Research, Planning, and Training

We work with institutions and organizations to help them reach informed, evidence-based, meaningful policy decisions by identifying disparities which need addressing. We assess outcomes and effectiveness of current policies and institutional practices by performing extensive employee research, including interviews, surveys as well as using other data collection tools. We then analyze the collected data and report our findings. These results are utilized to support and enhance future policy making decision and strategic planning. They also lay a solid foundation to design, develop and facilitate appropriate training programs.

The Team

Dr. Paul MacLeod


I have over 20 years’ experience as an administrator, educator and researcher in Canada, Asia and the Middle East. I have facilitated numerous research meetings, focus groups, research interviews and have extensive experience developing effective data collecting tools. My scholarly work includes several journal articles, book chapters, white papers and conference proceedings. Additionally, I have significant experience in the immigration and international education sectors.

Profile Picture

Dr. Amir Abou-El-Kheir


I have been an international academic lecturer, researcher and trainer for two decades. My research has been published with some of the world’s leading academic publishers, including several works with Proposaled co-founder, Dr. MacLeod. I have held varied leadership and supervisory roles, including leading a considerable longitudinal study on students’ school experience, educational aspirations and scholastic achievement in the State of Qatar. This study created the first ever longitudinal dataset in the entire Gulf region. 

What some have said

Amir has a set of refined scholarly abilities. He is constantly trying to advance his own knowledge and understanding. I consider him to be a highly diligent researcher.
Deputy Head of Department, King's College London
This is a very well written informative chapter. It is a great pleasure for me to read the chapter. I am very grateful for [both] your support. I am sure that it will be a major source for readers who would like to know about the context.
Senior Editor, Springer Publishing
Dr. MacLeod, I was fortunate to be among those who heard you at the recent Canadian Symposium for Academic Integrity; You delivered a very memorable presentation. Impressive work you've been involved in.
Workshop Participant, Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity



Paul: +1 (204) 730-9337
Amir: +1 (343) 341-4511